How to Outline Your Online Course Using Post-it Notes: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Today, we’re diving into a super practical method for outlining your online course: using Post-it Notes. This hands-on approach not only makes the process more interactive but also taps into that crucial hand-brain connection, helping you stay in the flow state. Whether you’re a seasoned course creator or just starting out, this guide will walk you through each step.

Why Use Post-it Notes?

One of the biggest challenges in course creation is staying organized and keeping your ideas flowing. Using Post-it Notes allows you to physically move pieces around, helping you visualize the structure of your course. This tactile method can boost creativity and clarity, making it easier to develop a comprehensive outline.

Step 1: Mind Map and Brain Dump

First things first, start with a mind map and a brain dump. Grab your Post-it Notes (or ripped-up pieces of paper) and jot down every idea that comes to mind.

Don’t worry about the order or structure just yet. This step is all about getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

It’s best to find a place where you can keep the post-it notes up for a while so you can continue to review and refine.

(I realized the coffee table wasn’t the best place… Lexi decided to scramble things up a bit.)

Lexi post its 3
Lexi Post its

2. Cluster and organize ⁣

Now that you’ve got all your ideas down, it’s time to cluster and organize. Group related ideas together to start forming modules within the course. Think of it like sorting puzzle pieces into different sections..

The image below is from one of my clients. They kept the post-its on their closet door to ensure they saw it multiple times per day.

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3. Create a 1st draft⁣

From there, I create a 1st draft of the outline in Airtable which consists of the modules and lessons within the course.

4. Review and refine

This rough draft becomes an ongoing work in progress as I continue to review and refine the outline.

5. Create your final outline/project plan.

Eventually the rough draft is transformed into the final outline in Airtable. This then becomes my project plan since I know the components that need to be created for each lesson.

Outlining Process in Images
Example from Online Courses Academy One of the modules is ‘Creating your course content’. From there, I divided the module into smaller chunks, which became my lessons, and for each lesson I outlined 3 main topics I wanted to discuss in that video.

Module: Creating your course content

LESSON 1: The efficient workflow for creating your content

LESSON 2: Creating your worksheets

LESSON 3: Scripting your video lessons

TOPIC 1: Why scripting your videos is important

TOPIC 2: How to structure your video lesson scripts

TOPIC 3: Strategies to script your videos

LESSON 4: Creating your slides for your video lesson

LESSON 5: How to film, edit and host your video lessons