
AI Course

Notion Template

Bring your course to life faster and easier than ever before with the AI Powered Planner.

AI Wizardry + Organizational Powerhouse

= Unstoppable Momentum

The next generation of online course creation - at your fingertips.

Leverage AI to create transformative online courses faster and easier than ever before. 

The AI Course Masterplan is the only implementation tool of its kind that not only guides you step-by-step in creating your online course with the power of AI — but also helps you plan, manage, and streamline the entire process.

The Future is here
Let’s break it down...

How it works

This isn’t just a tool, it’s a paradigm shift. Initially, I developed this system out of a desperate need to simplify and optimize our client online course design and development services.

When AI exploded onto the global stage, I saw an opportunity to elevate things to a whole new plane. Now, it’s not just about management and organization – it’s about harnessing the power of AI to redefine the limits of what’s possible in course creation

sanity system

The AI Notion template is designed to transform the course creation process in two powerful ways.

1) It's Your Sanity Saver

If you’ve been trying to create a course and find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of it, your not alone.

Creating an online course without a clear plan or system in place is like trying to complete a thousand-piece puzzle with a blank cover on the box.

The AI Course Masterplan Template is a comprehensive organization, planning, and task management system that’s been strategically designed to guide you through each main phase of the course creation process.

Propelling you forward with clear direction and a newfound sense of control.

2) Chat GPT as your Wise Sorcerer

This is where the real magic happens…

Each phase includes a series of Chat GPT prompts that have been expertly engineered to provide the highest quality results.

From identifying your ideal customers to outlining your course, from scripting your video lessons to writing your sales emails – it still blows me away every time I use it.

The prompts are designed to be used in a specific order that allow Chat GPT to learn from you. As you use the template, the AI adapts to your business, helping you create a course that’s tailored to your unique needs and goals.

The end result is a much higher quality program thats created in a fraction of the amount of time.

It’s like having a personal assistant, a marketing guru, and copywriting team on-Demand 24/7.

wise sorcerer

The future is here, and it's smarter, simpler, and more powerful than ever.

Sneak Peak
Let’s break it down...

What's inside

Section One

Validate Your Idea

The fear of investing countless hours, energy, and resources into creating your course, only to discover that there’s no market for it, is chilling. This is the unfortunate reality many course creators face, not because they don’t want to validate their course idea, but because the process seems too complex and they don’t know where to start.

Using AI is like having a team of expert market researchers, data analysts, and strategists working tirelessly to ensure the success of your course. It’s a game-changer for course creators, providing a level of insight and efficiency that was previously only available to large corporations with deep pockets.

By the end of this phase, you’ll be beaming with confidence and excitement, ready to dive into creating your course, knowing that you’re not just hoping for success – you’re strategically planning for it.

The Chat GPT Prompts in this section will...
  • Create complete profiles for your ideal customers including demographics, psychographics, and their deepest fears and desires.
  • Define your target market helping you understand where your course fits in the larger market landscape.
  • Identify a point of differentiation and unique selling proposition
  • Conduct a Competitive Analysis helping you position your course for success.
  • Conduct market research, helping you create a course that’s not just relevant, but in-demand.
Section Two

Outline Your Course

You’re a master in your field, a goldmine of knowledge. You’ve got a wealth of insights that could change lives, shape careers, and inspire greatness.

But getting all it out of your head and into an structured course can feel like trying to capture a lightning bolt in a bottle.

You might find yourself asking, “Where do I even begin?”

But here’s the good news – you don’t have to do it alone. With Chat GPT as your trusted sidekick you’ll feel as if you’re working with an expert instructional designer who can take your scattered thoughts and transform them into a clear, organized plan.

Here’s what these prompts will empower you to do:

  • Craft your Course Name

A compelling course name can make all the difference. In a matter of seconds you’ll have 20 catchy, descriptive names that resonate with your audience. Now all you have to do is choose!

  • Develop a Comprehensive Course Outline

The course outline prompt will organize your knowledge into an engaging course outline. But that’s not all…

AI Outline

It's also going to...

  • Identify the primary learning objective for the lesson
  • Outline the lesson topics
  • Write the lesson summaries that pique interest and set clear expectations
  • Create lesson checklists that provide a clear path to action for your students
  • Recommend valuable resources that supplement your lessons and add value to your course
  • Generate Worksheet Ideas reinforce learning and help your students apply what they’ve learned.

Now although that’s freaking amazing, it’s also a lot to keep track of. This is where Notion really shines.

The system I’ve built into this template is the exact system my design agency uses for our private clients. Without it we would be in complete chaos.

The template includes databases for all of your course modules, lessons, and resources. These databases serve as your course’s command center, allowing you to visualize and organize your course with ease. You can simply drag and drop lessons to assign them to modules, making the process flexible and intuitive.

Within each lesson page you’ll have a clearly organized template to add everything included within that lesson so you can find what you want whenever you want.

AI Content
Section Three

Content Creation

Content creation on turbo drive!  This phase is all about creating engaging and high-quality course content. Typically this can be an extremely time-consuming project. But with AI it’s a whole new ballgame.

Here’s what you’ll be empowered you to do:

  • Streamline Your Project Management: The Notion task management database will keep you on track and organized. You can assign tasks to specific lessons, so you always know what needs to be done and when. It’s like having your own personal project manager!
  • Create Engaging Presentation Slides: The first chat GPT prompt will take your course outline and transform it into a comprehensive outline for your lesson slides. You’ll have a clear and engaging visual aid for each of your lessons.
  • Captivating Video Transcripts Written for You: The second chat GPT prompt WILL ACTUALLY WRITE THE VIDEO TRANSCRIPT that corresponds to your lesson slides. You’ll have a well-structured, engaging, and informative script for your lesson videos.
Section Four

Sales & Marketing

You put the time and effort into creating an amazing course and now it’s time to reap the rewards.

But in order to do this, you need a strategically implemented system that moves prospects through the customer journey.

The Notion Launch Calendar database will help you manage tasks and plan your entire sales and marketing strategy.

The Chat GPT Prompts in this section will...
  • Create a list of compelling lead magnet ideas and even write the landing page copy – giving you a powerful tool to grow your email list and build trust with your audience.
  • Write attention-grabbing sales page headlines and FAQs. You’ll have the copy you need to overcome objections and convince your audience to invest in your course.
  • Develop a sales email campaign strategy that turns subscribers into customers.
  • Write the sales emails, (I know it’s almost hard to believe this can be real!)
  • Create a Content Marketing Plan.Chat GPT will create a content marketing plan that drives traffic to your course. You’ll have a roadmap to increase your visibility and attract more students.
AI Launch
Almost too good to be true

Bonus Time!

This bonus alone is worth 10x the entire price!

ai sales page copywriter

The AI Sales Page Copywriting Vault

Are you ready for a sprinkle of extra magic? For a limited time, I’m including an incredibly special bonus with the AI Course Masterplan Notion Template. One that will save you thousands of dollars and has the potential to make you a whole lot more.

This bonus is a series of 12 chat GPT prompts that will guide you in creating each section of your sales page. But these aren’t just any prompts. They’ve been expertly engineered after studying the most successful online course sales pages.

Imagine having a seasoned copywriter at your fingertips, ready to craft compelling sales copy that resonates with your audience and inspires them to invest in your course. That’s exactly what the AI Sales Page Copywriting Vault will do for you!

Here’s a glimpse of what these magical prompts will help you create:

  • Attention-grabbing headlines
  • High-converting copywriting frameworks
  • Benefit-driven module and lesson descriptions
  • Powerful calls to action
  • Features and benefits section
  • Risk reversal guarantee
  • Overcoming objections with FAQs
  • And much more!


With the AI Sales Page Copywriting Vault, you’ll have the confidence of knowing that your sales page is designed to convert. You’ll save time, eliminate stress, and have a sales page that you’re proud to share.

But remember, this bonus is only available for a limited time. So don’t wait!

100% Risk Free

It’s time to trade in confusion and overwhelm for clarity, confidence, and success.

AI Course Masterplan

Notion Template
  • AI-Powered Chat GPT Prompts for Every Step of the Process
  • AI Course Masterplan Notion Template
  • Bonus: AI Sales Page Copywriting Vault



Money Back


I want you to feel amazing about investing in this system. That’s why I’m offering a complete money-back guarantee.

Explore the template, use the AI prompts, start creating your course, and see the difference it makes. I want you to experience the transformative power of the AI Course Masterplan without any hesitation. If you’re not completely satisfied with the results, simply contact us within 14 days of your purchase. We’ll refund your money, no hard feelings.

But I know you’re going to LOVE it 🙂

This is everything Chat GPT will do for you...

  • Complete profiles for your ideal customers
  • Defined your target market
  • Identified point of differentiation
  • Unique selling proposition
  • Competitive analysis
  • Create lesson checklists
  • Recommend valuable resources for your lessons
  • Generate Worksheet Ideas
  • Outline your lesson slides
  • Write your lesson video transcripts
  • Generate lead magnet ideas
  • Write your lead magnet landing page copy
  • Write attention grabbing headlines
  • Create your launch sales email campaign strategy
  • Write your sales emails
Create your course in a fraction of the time

A Comprehensive System for planning, managing, organizing, and streamlining the entire course creation process. The Notion template serves as a central hub giving you a single, organized location for all your course creation materials, making it easier to manage and navigate the process.


The template is broken down into four main phases: validating your idea, outlining your course, creating your content, and planning your sales and marketing strategy.

You’ll have a clear roadmap for your course creation, ensuring that you don’t miss any crucial steps.

Copy Written with the click of a button

It’s like having your own personal copywriter that’s available 24/7. Within a few minutes you’ll have sales emails, lead magnet landing pages, and sales page copy expertly crafted for your ideal customer avatar.

A market research powerhouse

You’ll have the ability to conduct thorough, accurate, and insightful market research, ensuring that your course hits the mark every time.

Ideal customers, defined target market, unique selling proposition, point of differentiation, competitive analysis – All done for you!

A New Superpower

As you use the AI prompts in the template, you’ll begin to harness the power of Chat GPT, a skill that you can revolutionize every area of your business.

The AI Course Creation Notion Template leverages artificial intelligence to guide you through the course creation process. This means you’ll have expert guidance at every step, making the process smoother and more efficient.

A Content Marketing Plan

Say goodbye to haphazard content creation and hello to a strategic, organized approach that drives results.. You’ll craft a comprehensive content marketing plan designed to attract, engage, and convert your target audience.

Plus, the launch calendar database will keep everything neatly organized.

After using this product this is everything

these prompts will have completed...


Create your course in a fraction of the time

A Comprehensive System for planning, managing, organizing, and streamlining the entire course creation process.

The Notion template serves as a central hub giving you a single, organized location for all your course creation materials, making it easier to manage and navigate the process.

A Clear Roadmap

The template is broken down into four main phases: validating your idea, outlining your course, creating your content, and planning your sales and marketing strategy.

You’ll have a clear roadmap for your course creation, ensuring that you don’t miss any crucial steps.

Copy Written with the click of A button

It’s like having your own personal copywriter that’s available 24/7. Within a few minutes you’ll have sales emails, lead magnet landing pages, and sales page copy expertly crafted for your ideal customer avatar.

A market research powerhouse

Our template provides you with the ability to conduct thorough, accurate, and insightful market research, ensuring that your course hits the mark every time.

Ideal customers, defined target market, unique selling proposition, point of differentiation, competitive analysis – All done for you!

A New Superpower

As you use the AI prompts in the template, you’ll begin to harness the power of Chat GPT, a skill that you can revolutionize every area of your business.

The AI Course Creation Notion Template leverages artificial intelligence to guide you through the course creation process. This means you’ll have expert guidance at every step, making the process smoother and more efficient.

A Content Marketing Plan

Say goodbye to haphazard content creation and hello to a strategic, organized approach that drives results.. You’ll craft a comprehensive content marketing plan designed to attract, engage, and convert your target audience.

Plus, the launch calendar database will keep everything neatly organized.

Hey there!

I'm Megan.

An entrepreneur, speaker, personal development fanatic, and extreme dog lover.


I’m a Florida native with a passion for helping entrepreneurs like you transform their expertise into beautiful, profitable online courses and programs.

Over the last nine years, my digital agency has been a trusted partner to some of the top thought leaders worldwide. We’ve worked with powerhouses like Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Ryan Levesque, assisting them in creating online courses that have generated hundreds of millions of dollars and profoundly impacted thousands of lives.

My mission? To empower you to become a richer, happier, and more fulfilled version of yourself by giving you the strategy and tools you need to build a better business model.

Megan Columbia

I firmly believe that your success level directly correlates with the time you can spend in your zone of genius. When your work becomes your play, your productivity is at an all time high, your level of happiness skyrockets – and guess what, profits naturally follow!

Hustling might take you a step closer to your goal, but for a quantum leap? You need to build in leverage. That’s where my passion for online courses comes in.

Online courses have paved an extraordinary path to financial freedom – a path where you can do what you love while making a real difference in others’ lives.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to help hundreds of entrepreneurs productize their expertise through my digital agency, online training courses, and live workshops. The profound transformations I’ve seen are why I do what I do.

Now, I’d love to help you give you the superpower you’ve been looking for with “The AI Course Masterplan”. I’m excited to share my secret sauce with you, so your course can not only captivate and educate but also convert like never before. Trust me, you and your customers deserve this!

So are you ready to join this revolution? Let's get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

The AI Course Masterplan Notion Template is a comprehensive tool designed to guide you through every step of the online course creation process.

It’s not just a Notion template, it’s a complete system that leverages the power of AI to help you identify your ideal customers, script your video lessons, craft a killer marketing plan, and launch your course.

Absolutely! The AI Course Masterplan Notion Template is designed to be user-friendly. You don’t need to be a tech wizard to use it. All you need is your expertise and the will to share it. The template will handle the rest.

The AI component of the template is designed to provide high-value results. It guides you through the entire course creation process, from ideation to launch. The AI prompts are expertly engineered to help you identify your ideal customers, define your target market, conduct a competitive analysis, and much more.

The AI Course Masterplan Notion Template simplifies the course creation process, making it less daunting. It serves as a central hub for the entire process, allowing you to store and organize everything in one place. Plus, the AI component guides you through each step, so you’re never left wondering what to do next.

The AI Course Masterplan Notion Template is unique in its integration of AI in every step of the course creation process. It’s not just a tool, it’s a complete system that guides you from ideation to launch. Plus, it also serves as a training tool, helping you understand how to utilize AI in every other area of your business.

Yes! The AI Course Masterplan Notion Template is designed to help you create a high-quality online course that not only provides value to your audience but also generates passive income for you. It’s like having a personal assistant, a marketing expert, and a technical team all rolled into one.

We’re here to support you! Our team is always ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have. We’re committed to helping you succeed in creating your online course.

Immediately! As soon as you purchase the AI Course Masterplan Notion Template, you’ll have instant access to all its features. You can start creating your course right away.

Yes, we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the AI Course Masterplan Notion Template, just let us know within 14 days of purchase, and we’ll refund your money. We believe in our product and want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.

The AI Course Masterplan Notion Template is designed to help you share your knowledge, build authority in your field, and generate passive income. By simplifying the course creation process and guiding you through each step, it allows you to focus on what you do best: sharing your expertise and making a difference.

100% Risk Free

It’s time to trade in confusion and overwhelm for clarity, confidence, and success.

AI Course Masterplan

Notion Template
  • AI-Powered Chat GPT Prompts for Every Step of the Process
  • AI Course Masterplan Notion Template
  • Bonus: AI Sales Page Copywriting Vault

