How Joint Venture Partners can 10x your online course sales

JVology Mastermind

One of the biggest obstacles that hold people back from creating an online course is the fear of not being able to sell it.

And I totally get why… because even if you created the world’s greatest online course that ever existed but if you can’t sell it, no one will ever know.

Before you throw in the towel, here’s the good news… it doesn’t need to be as complicated as you think.

I like to approach business (and life for that matter) as a game so when something seems daunting I realize that it just means there is a new set of skills I need to acquire in order to win.

Just like in sports, you have to learn the rules of the game and start with the fundamentals before there’s any point in trying to master an elaborate launch.

Today I want to help simplify the process by sharing the 3 B’s of Selling Your Online Course and then expand upon the one that I know can have the biggest impact in the shortest period of time.

Understanding the fundamentals of a customer acquisition strategy is the first step to creating a wildly successful plan to sell your online course.

The first step…

The goal is to move people in your target market from not knowing who you are to becoming loyal customers. The first step then, is to figure out how you are going to build your audience.

3Bs Doodle

After studying the customer acquisition strategy of my most successful clients I realized that there are really only three ways to do this. The resources you have available and your stage of business will dictate which strategy you should leverage the most.

Three Bs of Selling

The 3 B's of Selling Your Online Course

Building your audience, authority, and credibility organically.
This will be an extremely important part of almost every businesses marketing strategy. Typically this is done through content marketing. It’s extremely powerful but it’s not something that can be built over night and is an ongoing initiative.
Leveraging partners audience/influence – they promote for you and earn a commission
This will be an extremely important part of almost every businesses marketing strategy. Typically this is done through content marketing. It’s extremely powerful but it’s not something that can be built over night and is an ongoing initiative.
Gaining subscribers and customers through paid advertising.

This will be your paid ad campaigns on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Google ads, ect. I would also bucket paid PR and media in this sector as well.

Here's an example of my acquisition strategies in each segment...

Launch Journey