Tony Robbins' & Dean Graziosi

Knowledge Business Blueprint

Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi's Knowledge Business Blueprint Online Course Design
iPhone Mockup1b
KBB Mobile Mockup2
About The Project

The Knowledge Broker Blueprint (KBB) has taken the world by storm, empowering individuals to turn their knowledge into profitable businesses. Collaborating with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi, two industry legends, was a dream come true and an incredible journey.

Since its inception, the program has grown to include high-level masterminds, live events, virtual retreats, and a mastermind marketplace, with even more exciting developments on the horizon.

I can confidently say that the Knowledge Broker Blueprint stands out as one of the best courses in existence. Its course structure, premium design, gamification elements, and overall user experience are second to none.


Our Role

The project kicked off with a Client Immersion Day in Scottsdale, Arizona, where I collaborated closely with Dean Graziosi and his team.

The result? Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s combined 62 years of experience in business and masterminds unpacked and structured into one epic course.

Instructional design

Transforming decades of expertise into a comprehensive and engaging curriculum through interactive modules, exercises, and resources.


Crafting a visually stunning design that sets the course apart, ensuring a premium look and feel that elevates the user experience and positions the KBB as the gold standard in online education.

Seamless Development

Conducting extensive development and user testing to ensure a premium user experience.

Marketing Integration

Incorporating effective marketing strategies within the course to ensure participants can successfully launch and grow their knowledge businesses.


Implementing badges, unlocking bonuses, a credit system, points & levels, and certification to enhance engagement and motivation.

Affiliate Program

Setting up a fully integrated affiliate program with a private affiliate portal, seamlessly incorporated into the website to maximize reach and revenue.

KBB 2.0 Homepage
MM Programs
KBB 2.0 Module
Lesson KBB 2.0