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Create your online course faster with just-in-time-learning

Just in time learning blog

In Business, speed to market and cost of production can make or break a company
That’s why embodying the philosophy of just-in-time-learning (JITL) can drastically increase your likelihood of success when it comes to creating an online course.

FemCity Morning Mastermind

Megan Harrison Evolveher

I love sharing my knowledge with ambitious, inspiring and supportive women. During this presentation I shared how to get started with creating an online course. Including, how to structure your content and how to create a schedule for getting it all done!

Episode 1: How to create a course like the 90 Day Year

Facebook Live 90 Day Year Review.001

Creating a wildly successful online course doesn’t happen by accident. It comes from implementing a strategy that works. So one of the best ways to improve your own courses is by studying the courses that have achieved the type of success you want to achieve. As Tony Robbins says, “Success leaves clues.” Earlier today I […]

How to create a successful online course

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The most successful businesses have found a way to provide more value to more people at a higher profit. For this to be possible, you need to leverage your resources and your time ranks among the most important.

How to outline your course with Trello

Online Courses Academy Outline Trello

The best way to combat scattered ideas is by being super organized with your thoughts.
Today I want to show you my absolute favorite tool for outlining online courses and it just happens to be free! TRELLO.