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Our Elite Plan takes the day to day hassle of managing a website away from you, leaving you to focus on more important matters. In short, here’s what will be included:

  • Ongoing software updates Unlimited small tasks (take less than 30 mins to complete)
  • Daily website backups
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Security Monitoring
  • Dedicated Account Manager


Let’s start by looking at what constitutes a small task. A few examples include:

  • Adding a blog postCreating a unique button style
  • Checking the structure of a web page against search engine guidelines
  • Installing a new plugin
  • Adding a Google Analytics tracking code
  • Writing some custom code
  • Formatting an image
  • Creating a form

For a task to qualify under the plan, it should take us 30 minutes or less to complete.

We will invite you and up to 4 others to our internal workflow software, Monday Team Management Software, and every time you need a new task completed, you can simply add it there. You will also have the option of making notes and uploading documents or media. Our team will update the status of the task accordingly and you’ll be able to interact directly with our team.

Tasks must be submitted and completed one at a time. We will endeavor to complete new tasks within one business day (often faster), but due to the wide scope of tasks that this may encompass, this is only a guide.

Any task that typically or may reasonably be expected to take longer than 30 minutes is not included under this plan. For example, it is realistic to design a new button style within 30 minutes but not an entire new web page. Similarly it is realistic to install and configure a new third party plugin within 30 minutes but not write and build a new plugin for you.

You are more than welcome to request tasks that take longer than 30 minutes but these will be quoted for and billed separately.


In the event of a problem with your website, it is always advisable to have a copy of the site backed up in separate location. Our Elite plan takes care of that for you. Irrespective of the structure or type of website that you have, we’ll run automated backups once daily that includes everything necessary to get your site back up and running again should something catastrophic happen. Backups are kept for 30 days for as long as your plan is current and paid.


From time to time, websites go down, for a number of reasons. With the Elite plan, we check your website every single minute. If your website shows as unresponsive, we verify this before letting you know. We’ll also help you to get your site back up and running wherever possible.


For your peace of mind, the Elite plan also includes daily automated security checks. Your website will be checked for any signs of compromise or hacking, plus we’ll proactively look out for vulnerabilities that could lead to a security issue further down the line. If there’s a problem, we’ll let you know promptly and either take steps to rectify it, or recommend a solution.

Ongoing software updates Unlimited small tasks Daily website backups Uptime Monitoring Security Monitoring Dedicated Account Manager


Our Elite Plan takes the day to day hassle of managing a website away from you, leaving you to focus on more important matters. In short, here’s what will be included:

  • Ongoing software updates Unlimited small tasks (take less than 30 mins to complete)
  • Daily website backups
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Security Monitoring
  • Dedicated Account Manager


Let’s start by looking at what constitutes a small task. A few examples include:

  • Adding a blog postCreating a unique button style
  • Checking the structure of a web page against search engine guidelines
  • Installing a new plugin
  • Adding a Google Analytics tracking code
  • Writing some custom code
  • Formatting an image
  • Creating a form

For a task to qualify under the plan, it should take us 30 minutes or less to complete.

We will invite you and up to 4 others to our internal workflow software, Monday Team Management Software, and every time you need a new task completed, you can simply add it there. You will also have the option of making notes and uploading documents or media. Our team will update the status of the task accordingly and you’ll be able to interact directly with our team.

Tasks must be submitted and completed one at a time. We will endeavor to complete new tasks within one business day (often faster), but due to the wide scope of tasks that this may encompass, this is only a guide.

Any task that typically or may reasonably be expected to take longer than 30 minutes is not included under this plan. For example, it is realistic to design a new button style within 30 minutes but not an entire new web page. Similarly it is realistic to install and configure a new third party plugin within 30 minutes but not write and build a new plugin for you.

You are more than welcome to request tasks that take longer than 30 minutes but these will be quoted for and billed separately.


In the event of a problem with your website, it is always advisable to have a copy of the site backed up in separate location. Our Elite plan takes care of that for you. Irrespective of the structure or type of website that you have, we’ll run automated backups once daily that includes everything necessary to get your site back up and running again should something catastrophic happen. Backups are kept for 30 days for as long as your plan is current and paid.


From time to time, websites go down, for a number of reasons. With the Elite plan, we check your website every single minute. If your website shows as unresponsive, we verify this before letting you know. We’ll also help you to get your site back up and running wherever possible.


For your peace of mind, the Elite plan also includes daily automated security checks. Your website will be checked for any signs of compromise or hacking, plus we’ll proactively look out for vulnerabilities that could lead to a security issue further down the line. If there’s a problem, we’ll let you know promptly and either take steps to rectify it, or recommend a solution.

Ongoing software updates Unlimited small tasks Daily website backups Uptime Monitoring Security Monitoring Dedicated Account Manager
